Why nluv™ Studio & Who Cares About Inspiration?
Everyone Deserves To Be Inspired
Period. No questions. No arguments! Inspiration is that special something inside each of us that deserves to grow, flourish, and take over our daily lives. And perhaps as a bonus, you’ll end up sharing a bit of that positivity with those around you.
If you’re reading this, you’re either a fellow creative, journaler, or at least know a few. Lots of people don’t think they are the journaling or creative-type, but that’s not true. Everyone has some component of creativity & dreams or desires inside of them. And our goal is to help bring it out! Our designs are made to kick-start your internal spirit & give you the inner strength to go for it all or just let it all go. Whether it’s a custom craft for you or as a gift, someone’s getting inspired! Or perhaps you’re ready to start or continue in your expressive writing journey, and our sustainable handcrafted wood journals are here to help you manifest your life… into life!
Deep Down We Are All Creative & Inspirational
Too often the negatives in life can take over and drown out the positive, inspirational moments. The TV, radio, Internet, movies… everything just seems like doom and gloom some days. That can really wear on you after a while and start to pull the positivity and inspiration right out of you.
We are here to create sustainable, inspirational custom crafts and wood journals for you to spark that inner inspiration and share positivity with those in your life. We’d like to think of ourselves as partners on your journey through life’s ups and downs. Make time for yourself and those you care about. Put a little creative time and journaling into your day and see what happens.
From the beautiful peaks and crystal clear waters of South Lake Tahoe, CA, we wish you a wonderful journey as you wander through this thing we all call life. Cheers!